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yang588588的个人空间 http://club.oecr.com/?57398 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


hot summer hot heart
2013-8-7 11:03 回复|
sunny is your dream
2013-8-6 09:46 回复|
Happy is everything you can see.
2013-7-22 09:20 回复|
Happy is all the time
2013-7-17 15:52 回复|
something is going, something is coming
2012-12-11 09:01 回复|
something must be beared
2012-12-5 14:52 回复|
sunny is veryday
2012-11-26 09:30 回复|
winter is something
2012-11-13 15:08 回复|
Sunny boy sunny day
2012-9-25 14:38 回复|
East is in trobling.
2012-9-14 09:19 回复|
summer is going
2012-9-6 17:28 回复|
Temparature is comfortable
2012-9-5 08:56 回复|
summer is passing
2012-9-4 08:46 回复|
Summer is passing
2012-8-22 11:58 回复|
typhoon is passing
2012-8-9 09:28 回复|
summer is passing half
2012-8-6 09:17 回复|
summer is in my life
2012-7-18 16:52 回复|
rainy days are coming
2012-7-17 08:56 回复|
happy day happy tough
2012-7-16 14:12 回复|
every thing is wave
2012-7-13 14:05 回复|

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