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已有 1845 次阅读2008-4-23 20:44 |个人分类:FEM|


Adaptive Finite Element Methods for Differential Equations - Wolfgang Bangerth.djvu
An Introduction to Computer Simulation - Woolfson and Pert.pdf
An Introduction to Multigrid Methods - Peter Wesseling.djvu
Anisotropic Analysis Using Boundary Elements - N.A. Schclar.djvu
Applied Finite Element Analysis - Larry J. Segerlind.pdf
Basic Structured Grid Generation - M. Farrashkhalvat and J.P. Miles.pdf
Boundary Elements An Introductory Course - Brebbia and Dominguez.djvu
Boundary Methods Elements Contours and Nodes - Subrata Mukherjee.pdf
Delaunay Triangulation and Meshing - George & Borouchaki.djvu
Design of Adaptive Finite Element Software - Alfred Schmidt & Kunibert G. Siebert.pdf
Discontinuous Finite Elements in Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer - Ben Q. Li.pdf
Domain Decomposition Methods Algorithms and Theory - Andrea Toselli.pdf
Elsevier - Handbook of Numerical Analysis V1 Part1 - Finite Difference Methods.djvu
Elsevier - Handbook of Numerical Analysis V2 Part1 - Finite Element Methods.djvu
Elsevier - Handbook of Numerical Analysis V4 Part2 - Finite Element Methods.djvu
Elsevier - Handbook of Numerical Analysis V9 Part3 - Numerical Methods for Fluids.djvu
Engineering Analysis with ANSYS Software - Y. Nakasone and S. Yoshimoto.pdf
Error-Controlled Adaptive Finite Elements in Solid Mechanics - E. Stein.djvu
Finite Element Aanalysis - David W. Nicholson.pdf
Finite Element Analysis - Flaherty J.E.pdf
Finite Element Analysis of Composite Laminates - Ochoa and Reddy.djvu
Finite Element Analysis Theory and Applications with ANSYS - Saeed Moaveni.pdf
Finite Element Analysis with Error Estimators - J. E. Akin.pdf
Finite Element Based Fatigue Calculations - Bishop & Sherratt.pdf
Finite Element Method - Boundary Element Method - Peter Hunter.pdf
Finite Element Method - Fluid Dynamics - Zienkiewicz and Taylor.pdf
Finite Element Method - Solid Mechanics - Zienkiewicz and Taylor.pdf
Finite Element Method - The Basis - Zienkiewicz and Taylor.pdf
Finite Element Methods - Parallel-Sparse Statics and Eigen-Solutions - D.T.Nguyen.pdf
Finite Element Methods and Their Applications - Zhangxin Chen.pdf
Finite Element Methods for Flow Problems - Jean Donea & Antonio Huerta.pdf
Finite Element Modeling for Stress Analysis - Robert D. Cook.pdf
Finite Element Procedures - K.J. Bathe.djvu
Finite Element Techniques for Fluid Flow - Connor and Brebbia.pdf
Finite Elements for Nonlinear Continua & Structures - Belytschko.pdf
Finite Elements Using Maple - A Symbolic Programming Approach - Portela & Charafi.djvu
Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems - Randall J. Leveque.pdf
Fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis - David V. Hutton.pdf
Fundamentals of the Finite  Element Method for Heat and Fluid Flow - Lewis Nithiarasu.pdf
Galerkin Finite Element Methods for Parabolic Problems - Vidar Thomee.pdf
Generalized Difference Methods for Differential Equations - Li Chen Wu.djvu
Handbook of Grid Generation - Thompson, Soni and Weatherill.djvu
Higher-Order Finite Element Methods - Pavel Solin.pdf
Introduction to PDEs - A Computational Approach - Tveito & Winther.pdf
Mesh Free Methods - Moving Beyond the Finite Element Method - G.R.Liu.djvu
Mesh Generation Application to Finite Elements - P.J. Frey & P.L. George.djvu
Mixed and Hybrid Finite Element Methods - Brezzi and Fortin M.djvu
Multifield Problems in Solid and Fluid Mechanics - Rainer Helmig.pdf
Multigrid - Trottenberg et al.djvu
Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics for Finite Element Analysis - Bonet & Wood.pdf
Non-linear Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Structures Vol.1 - M.A. Crisfield.pdf
Non-linear Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Structures Vol.2 - M.A. Crisfield.pdf
Nonlinear Stability of FV Methods for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws - Francois Bouchut.pdf
Numerical Methods for Elliptic and Parabolic PDEs - P. Knabner & L. Angermann.pdf
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations - W.F. Ames.djvu
Numerical PDEs for Environmental Scientists and Engineers - D.R.Lynch.pdf
Numerical Solutions of PDEs by the Finite Element Method - Johnson.djvu
Numerical Treatment of Partial Differential Equations - Grossmann and Roos.pdf
Partial Differential Equations and the Finite Element Method - P. Solin.pdf
Process Modelling and Simulation with Finite Element Methods - William B. J. Zimmerman.pdf
Programming the Finite Element Method - I. M. Smith & D. V. Griffiths.djvu
Splines and Variational Methods - P. M. Prenter.djvu
Structural Analysis with Finite Elements - Friedel Hartmann & Casimir Katz.pdf
The Boundary Element Method in Engineering - A. A. Becker.djvu
The Boundary-Domain Integral Method for Elliptic Systems - Andreas Pomp.djvu
The Combined Finite-Discrete Element Method - Ante Munjiza.pdf
The Finite Element Method - Thomas J. R. Hughes.djvu
The Finite Element Method a Practical Course - G.R. Liu & S.S. Quek.pdf
The Finite Element Method for 3D Thermomechanical Applications - Guido Dhond.pdf
The Finite Element Method for Solid and Structural Mechanics - Zienkiewicz & Taylor.pdf
The Finite Element Method in Engineering - S.S. Rao.pdf
The Finite Element Method using MATLAB - Kwon and Bang.pdf
The FV, FD, & FE Methods as Numerical Methods for Physical Field Problems - Mattiussi.pdf
The Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method - Wolf J.P.djvu
The Theory of Difference Schemes - Alexander A. Samarskii.djvu


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