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IPG to supply fiber lasers to the U.S. Navy

已有 459 次阅读2007-9-26 14:46 |个人分类:激光加工

August 29, 2007--IPG Photonics has been awarded a $3.8 million contract from the U.S. Navy to supply the Naval Surface Warfare Center with a 44 kilowatt fiber laser system.

The contract, representing the first large fiber laser system to the U.S. Navy, calls for the delivery of eight commercial 5.5 kilowatt fiber lasers from September to December 2007. The company was selected after extensive market research by the U.S. Navy that determined that IPG was the only company that could produce the required output with the maximum allowable number of lasers for their requirement. The fiber lasers will be manufactured at IPG's facility in Oxford, Massachusetts. Earlier this month the company reported second quarter 2007 revenues increased by 37 percent.






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