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Urban open-space LED display industry development present situation

已有 964 次阅读2010-12-7 16:04 |系统分类:业界视点|

Urban open-space led display industry development present situation

Now, living in our such a modern busy city, driving or walk in the city streets, outdoor led display can be seen everywhere. Global famous market research authority Nielsen company will outdoor LED display called following TV, computer, mobile phone after "the 4th screen". "The fourth screen" produce to the urban development, people live, what has close contact?
Outdoor media is injected new elements of information era
Outdoor ads can say is all advertising media of predecessors, it and city people's economy, culture and life, it is not only the goods, information medium of communication, or the city developing dynamic true symbol. These accumulated a outdoor media irreplaceable precious wealth. Contemporary urbanite so as to gradually adapted to the fast pace of life style, the deluge of information can be found everywhere, so the traditional outdoor advertising, such as big, lighting, flags as a result of using conditions restrict, exhibition mode single etc, already cannot aroused people's attention, cannot completely meet market demand. With the application of new technology, new outdoor advertising forms are constantly emerging, outdoor full-color LED screen media is in such realistic background was born.
LED full-color display is in the 1990s in global rapidly develop new information display media, the reason can develop quickly, without the fierce market competition, in essence, have the following:
First, it combines modern hi-tech, energy saving, environmental protection, bright color, can display dynamic pictures and words, visual range wide, screen, large area and visual effect shock and so on a series of advantage. Second, the led screen advertising media of high efficiency, and characteristics of television, newspapers and other media advertising form compare, the price is lower. This advantage makes the LED display media undoubtedly become outdoor media to be bestowed favor on newly. Third, the LED display media and traditional outdoor media is different, its hold concurrently TV and other media properties and advantages of but not just outspread, it has more creative space and broader and consumer space-time interaction and communication of the stereo space, can satisfy personalized needs. Fourth, outdoor LED display media and other various media forms complementary, spatio-temporal blend, three-dimensional dissemination, thus for advertisers do most media space-time integration value.
Outdoor LED display preempted resource problems frequently
As people opposite market analysis of thorough, the enterprise insight, outdoor LED display sharp ascent media advertising high anticipated to be most valued. At that exact moment between, or large media companies are beginning to obtain resources, seizes the market, expectation can maximize the more mouthful of cake.
However, the "brain hot" phenomenon, also caused many problems. Outdoor LED display media the demand to capital huge, if no capital strength, it is difficult to rapid expansion in the industry and sustainable development. Financial crisis sweeping the globe, local enterprises difficult to resist losses momentum, enterprise advertising budget inevitably reduce, make some money originally is insufficient or can't get capital continue into the LED display media companies face capital chain rupture of serious results, etc.
In the fierce market competition, the inevitable trend is muck, years of outdoor LED display media in each stage of development will be eliminated group of companies. Surviving is in the market with commercial mode innovation, product quality pass of the strong. As following TV, computer, mobile phone after emerging media forms, outdoor LED display media industry still need to be paid attention to more realistic demand, devote more energy and strength to the construction industry standards and r&d independent LED display technological innovation.






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